• Media for data: CD/DVD, FTP server (data made available upon request), e-mail: ceti@ceti.poznan.pl
  • Vector graphics: Adobe Illustrator (do CC), Macromedia Freehand (do 9), EPSs generated from that software; optionally Corel Draw (do X4).
  • Raster graphics: attached separately, and in the vector graphics it can only be linked, the format being psd or tif with the resolution of at least 300 ppi.
  • The design is recorded with the text convert to curves. However, if any changes are considered, the open text has to be NECESSARILY accompanied by the fonts used. Texts and other vector elements have to be applied in the vector graphics software, not in the raster graphics files.
  • A screened color proof of the whole print must be attached in the pdf or jpg format.
  • If the final product the customer approves color proofs, they have to be attached, even though they are not the binding design for dry offset, they will help in preparing the best print.

Once we have received the artwork, we provide information if and how the work can be performed because in case of half-tone motives, we separate them into dedicated colors, which can influence the color palette used in the design.